The STANdard for Material Flow Analysis

STAN (short for subSTance flow ANalysis) is a freeware that helps to perform material flow analysis according to the Austrian standard ÖNorm S 2096 (Material flow analysis - Application in waste management).

After building a graphical model with predefined components (processes, flows, system boundary, text fields) you can enter or import known data (mass flows and stocks, volume flows and stocks, concentrations, transfer coefficients) for different layers (good, substance, energy) and periods to calculate unknown quantities. All flows can be displayed in Sankey style, i.e. the width of a flow is proportional to its value. A graph of the model can be printed or exported. For data import and export Microsoft Excel is used as an interface.

You also have the possibility to consider data uncertainties. The calculation algorithm uses mathematical statistical tools such as data reconciliation, error propagation and gross error detection.

STAN is available in German and English.

Funded by: Altstoff Recycling Austria AG - voestalpine - Lebensministerium - Federal States of Austria