Data Import and Export
Here you find information about the following topics:
- On the Edit menu, click Data Explorer.
- Press CTRL+ D.
: Toggle between
edit mode (display of all digits of values) and display of data in diagram
formatting (no editing possible)
: Toggle between entered (input)
and calculated (output) data.
: Toggle between entered /input) and
display (output) units.
: Show/hide
volume related columns.
: Collapse all
: Expand all groups.
: Reset table
: Copy selected rows to
: Insert clipboard content.
: Print data
table with preview (only printing of whole table on standard printer
Data sets can be grouped hierarchically by certain fields (= column
- Drag the column heading you want to group by into the grey grouping
area above.
- If a grouping hierarchy already exits, decide where to insert the column
- Repeat the procedure until you have created the desired hierarchy.
- To change the hierarchy, drag one of column headings to
another position in the grouping area.
- To remove a column heading from the hierarchy, drag it to any place
in the data sets area.
- The default setting of the grouping hierarchy is periods >
layers. By clicking
, you can restore this
setting anytime.
- To sort data sets by certain fields (= column headings), click the
according column headings.
- To include other fields in the sorting procedure, click additional column
headings by simultaneously pressing SHIFT.
- Each click on a column heading changes the sorting order (alphabetically
rising or falling).
- Click the row marker (= square) in front of a row to select a data set.
- For multiple selections, click additional row markers by
simultaneously pressing CTRL.
- To select a data block, click the row marker of the first data set and
then by simultaneously pressing SHIFT the row marker of the last data set of
the block.
Alternatively, click the row marker of the first data set and
sweep the mouse pointer to the last row marker while keeping the mouse button
ATTENTION: To edit data, the edit mode
has to be switched on and input
have to be
- Select a cell in the data grid.
- Enter a text or a number (and optionally a unit directly behind the
number), respectively.
- On tab Flows and Processes, the short symbol and the
name of the respective objects can be edited. Click Apply to show the
changes on the other tabs.
- On each tab, remarks can be inserted/edited. To insert an additional line
of text (later indicated by '...' behind the first line of text), press
CTRL+Enter at the end of a line. To navigate through the
lines, use the arrow keys. To jump to the end of the text in the last line,
press CTRL+End.
- If no unit is entered behind a value, the display unit is assumed.
- The entered units will be checked automatically when the Data Explorer is
closed or when Validate is clicked.
- Optional: Group and sort data sets.
- Select the desired data sets.
- To copy the rows to the clipboard, click
or press CTRL+C.
- This copy action also includes columns of the data grid that are not
displayed (e.g. calculated values).
- Select the target area (rules see select data sets).
- To insert the data sets from clipboard into the STAN data table, click
or press CTRL+V.
- Click OK or Apply.
- To insert data, the edit mode
has to be switched on and input
have to be
- Only those parts of the data sets of the clipboard will be inserted that
fit into the target area.
- This action also includes columns of the data grid that are not displayed
(e.g. calculated values).
- Copy data sets from STAN data table to clipboard.
- Switch to Excel, select a cell and press CTRL+V to insert the
data sets from clipboard into Excel.
- This copy action also includes columns of the STAN data table that are not
displayed (e.g. calculated values).
- In the Excel table, select a block of cells containing data.
- Press CTRL+C to copy this data block to the clipboard.
- In the STAN data table, click the upper left cell of the region where you
want to insert the data block.
- Click
or press
CTRL+ V to insert the data block from the clipboard into the STAN
data table.
- To insert data, the edit mode
has to be switched on and input
have to be
- The user has to pay attention to the correct assignment of the data block!
I.e. group and sort data sets in STAN and/or Excel to give them the same
- If the imported data block contains a mixture of different data types
(mass flows, volume flows, mass fractions, mass concentrations), they will
automatically be assigned to the correct columns. If the block is inserted
into a mean value column the data will be moved to the correct mean value
columns. Inserting into a uncertainty column works the same.
- On the bottom of the STAN data table, click Export.
- Choose which data (system, flows, processes, flow values, transfer
coefficients, stock values, stock delta) you want to export.
- Enter path, name and extension (csv, .txt) of file(s).
- Choose from options if you want to export column headings and/or hidden
columns (e.g. calculated data).
- Click OK.
- In the STAN data table, click Validate.
- Click OK or Apply to accept the changes.
- Click Cancel to reject the changes.