File Management
Here you find information about the following topics:
- On the Standard toolbar, click
- Press CTRL+N.
- On the File menu, click New.
- On the Standard toolbar, click
- Press CTRL+O.
- On the File menu, click Open.
- Drag a file onto the Drawing Area.
- A list of recently opened files can be found under Choose file format
(*.zmfa od *.smfa). > Recent Files.
- Old STAN files (with extension *.mfa and *.xmfa) are converted
automatically in STAN 2.7 files (with extension *.zmfa).
- To open a new instance of STAN with a desired STAN file,
double-click the STAN file or drag Drag a STAN file to the STAN icon on
the desktop
- On the Standard toolbar, click
- Press CTRL+S.
- On the File menu, click Save.
Attention: Files that are saved with STAN 2.7 (extension *.zmfa) cannot
be reopened with STAN 2.0! If this is necessary you can unzip *.zmfa files and
assign the extension *.xmfa.
- On the File menu, click Save as.
- Enter the name of the document.
- Choose file format (*.zmfa or *.smfa).
- Click Save.
- Since STAN 2.7, STAN files can also be saved as SQLite
database files (*.smfa). This makes it possible to edit STAN files with
different tools under different operating systems (Windows, Linux,
- In order to create a "*.smfa" file, the file type "SQLite
MFA files (*.smfa)" must be selected instead of the file type "Compressed MFA
file (*.zmfa)" when saving.
- On the File menu, click Close.
- On the title bar of the Drawing Area, click