Here you find information about the following topics:
- On the Edit menu, click Layers and Periods.
- On the Periods tab, enter the period duration, number of periods
and starting point of periods.
- Click OK or Apply.
- Click OK to confirm the warning.
- For each new MFA-document the default period is the current year.
- If a record of periods shall be considered, those periods must have the
same duration (e.g. one year) and they must be attached to each other (e.g.
2000 - 2005).
- If only the duration of the periods or the starting point of the first
period is changed (i.e. the number of period remains the same!), a warning
appears where the user can decide if the periods shall be kept or
renamed. If keep is chosen, only those data will be kept that have a
fitting period in the new interval.
- Data in given periods will only be kept if the period duration remains the
same and the respective period does exist in the new periods record.
- Example: The periods 2000 to 2006 have been defined. Data for period 2002
is given. The starting point for the first period is changed to
1998. If the periods are renamed afterwards, the periods 1998 to 2004 are
available with given data in period 2000. If the periods are kept afterwards,
also the periods 1998 to 2004 are available but the given data remain in
period 2002.
Select the period for which you want to enter data or show the results.
- On the Input-Data toolbar, select a period from the Period
drop-down list.